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3rd Grade Pleasant Valley Elementary

Pleasant Valley Third Grade

Welcome to Third Grade PV Page !

Our Teachers  
Mrs. Barnes
Mrs. Barry
Mrs. Colombo
Mrs. Schinosi
Mrs. Williams

English Language Arts 3rd Grade

Unit 1 overview theme is Growing and Learning. During this 5 weeks of instruction, students will develop background concepts under the topic essential questions: 
What can stories teach you? 
What can traditions teach you about cultures? 
How do people from different cultures contribute to a community? 
How can problem solving lead to new ideas? 
How do landmarks help us understand our country's story? 
Unit 2 overview theme is Figure it Out. During this 5 weeks of instruction, students will develop background concepts under the topic essential questions: 
Why is working together a good way to solve a problem? 
Why do people immigrate to new places? 
How do people make government work? 
How can people help animals survive? 
How do people figure things out? 
Unit 3 overview theme is One Of A Kind. During this 5 weeks of instruction, students will develop background concepts under the essential questions: 
What makes different animals unique? 
How can one person change the way you think? 
What do we know about earth and its neighbors? 
What ideas can we get from nature? 
How is each event in history unique? 
Unit 4 overview theme is Meet the Challenge. During this 5 weeks of instruction, students will develop background concepts under the essential questions: 
What choices are good for us? 
How can you use what you know to help others? 
How do animals adapt to challenges in their habitat? 
How are people able to fly? 
How can others inspire us? 
Unit 5 overview theme is Take Action. During this 5 weeks of instruction, students will develop background concepts under the topic essential questions:  
How do we get what we need? 
How can we reuse what we already have? 
How do teams work together? 
What do good citizens do? 
What are different kinds of energy? 
Unit 6 overview theme is What is important? During this 5 weeks of instruction, students will develop background concepts under the essential questions: 
How do we decide what's important? 
How can weather affect us? 
Why are goals important? 
How can learning about animals help you respect them? 
What makes you laugh? 
Third Grade Novels 
Charlotte's Web
Riding Freedom
George Washington: Soldier, Hero, President

3rd Grade Math Topics

enVision 3rd Grade  Math Topics
Take a look at what we will be learning about this year!
  • Topic 1 - Understand Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
  • Topic 2 - Multiplication Facts:  Use Patterns
  • Topic 3 - Apply Properties:  Multiplication Facts for 3,4, 6, 7, 8
  • Topic 4 - Use Multiplication to Divide:  Division Facts
  • Topic 5 - Fluently Multiply and Divide Within 100
  • Topic 6 - Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition
  • Topic 7 - Represent and Interpret Data
  • Topic 8 - Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract
  • Topic 9 - Fluently Add and Subtract Within 1,000 
  • Topic 10 - Multiply by Multiples of 10
  • Topic 11 - Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems
  • Topic 12 - Understand Fractions as Numbers
  • Topic 13 - Fractions Equivalence and Comparison
  • Topic 14 - Solve Time, Capacity, and Mass Problems
  • Topic 15 - Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes
  • Topic 16 - Solve Perimeter Problems

Basic Facts Recall:

Please practice nightly to ensure that your child is accurate and fluent by the end of the first nine week period.


Addition basic facts will be tested the first quarter. The third grade expectation is to solve 100 basic facts in 5 minutes. Practice at home is extremely important to meet this goal. There are many on-line websites to help with this skill at home. Addition facts should be mastered by 3rd grade.

1st quarter - subtraction
2nd quarter - multiplication 0-6
3rd quarter - multiplication 7-10
4th quarter - multiplication 0-10 

Cursive Handwriting
Third graders are learning cursive handwriting. Cursive will be required for all written assignments and tests sometime during the second semester unless directed to print by the classroom teacher.

Third Grade Science

FOSS Web Site
Units of Study:
Water and Climate
Motion and Matter
Life Structures 
Extra Practice Links
Wonders Links
Click here for the weekly skills, stories, spelling words, and vocabulary!
Click here to see the home school communication pages for units 4-6.
Here is a place to practice cursive writing.
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School District
Pleasant Valley Elementary
Address Info
250 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724.941.6251
Fax: 724.941.0708
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